Best Practices in Portugal
(MS Word template) Best Practices on Building Individual and Organizational Resilience – PORTUGAL
(MS Word template) Best Practices on Building Individual and Organizational Resilience – PORTUGAL
The relations between resilience and self-efficacy among healthcare practitioners in context of the COVID-19 pandemic – a rapid review
TEST-RETEST RELIABILITY OF THE DISPOSITIONAL RESILIENCE SCALE-15, A BRIEF HARDINESS SCALE Test-Retest Reliability of the Dispositional Resilience Scale-15, A Brief Hardiness Scale
A Formal Assessment of Resilience: The Baruth Protective Factors Inventory
Psychometric Analysis and Refinement of the Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC): Validation of a 10-Item Measure of Resilience
Development of a New Resilience Scale: The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC)
Individual Resilience Interventions: A Systematic Review in Adult Population Samples over the Last Decade
A new rating scale for adult resilience: what are the central protective resources behind healthy adjustment?
Measuring resilience with the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC): which version to choose?
Resilience or hope? Incremental and convergent validity of the resilience scale for adults (RSA) and the Herth hope scale (HHS) in the prediction of anxiety… Read More »Resilience scale for adults (RSA) and the Herth hope scale (HHS)