Stress and quality of life of intensive care nurses
Stress and quality of life of intensive care nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: Self-efficacy and resilience as resources
Stress and quality of life of intensive care nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: Self-efficacy and resilience as resources
Development and validation of the medical professionals resilience scale
The Predictive 6-Factor Resilience Scale: Neurobiological Fundamentals and Organizational Application
Predictive 6 Factor Resilience Scale – Domains of Resilience and Their Role as Enablers of Job Satisfaction
The Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Brief Resilient Coping Scale
An abbreviated version of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), the CD-RISC2: Psychometric properties and applications in psychopharmacological trials
Examination of a Theoretical Model of the Psychological Resilience in Older Age