UMIT TIROL is developing a training program to strengthen mental resilience with international partners.
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HALL. At the end of June 2022, the project partners of the Erasmus+ funded project “Empowerment for Pandemias” met at the UMIT TIROL university campus in Hall. Following the motto “For Stronger Organisations and a Stronger You”, a continuing education program to strengthen individual and organizational resilience in times of crisis for healthcare professions will be developed by 2024. “We are pleased about the positive response from the Agency for Education and Internationalization (OeAD) to fund our project idea for three years,” says Ass.-Prof. Dr. Margit Raich, who holds the project management on behalf of UMIT TIROL university. “We are a highly motivated and interdisciplinary team that will set up this training in close cooperation with various stakeholder groups in the partner countries,” reports the project leader. The implementation is carried out together with the University of Gloucestershire, Deggendorf Institute of Technology, European Academy Bolzano, Hafelekar Corporate Consulting Schober GmbH, and the Portuguese partner Immersive Lab Lda. During the two-day workshop, the target group profile was sharpened, and the cornerstones for data collection were laid. In interviews, it is necessary to identify the competencies relevant from the perspective of those affected, which are necessary for successful crisis management on an individual and organizational level. Experiences around COVID-19 will be incorporated and transformed into innovative learning experiences.
Web-Based Training
A mix of various learning environments will be implemented. With the establishment of an assessment tool, individual and organizational resources can be evaluated. The project team will develop a web-based training program, enabling self-determined learning through micro-learning units. These will be complemented with online seminars and in-person sessions. Another focus is on developing simulated crisis case studies, based on real scenarios, which help participants learn more efficient ways of dealing with complex problem-solving and coping strategies.