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Workshop Invitation “Strengthening the resilience of professionals and organizations in the health and social care sector” in Bolzano, Italy

We are starting our event series in the partner countries. Coming up first: Italy!
(for German and Italian, see below)

Workshop to strengthen the resilience of professionals and organizations in the health and social care sector
20 September 2024, 10.00-12.00 a.m.
Eurac Research, Conference Hall

The event will be opened by Prof Dr Andreas Conca, Head of the Department of Psychiatry at Bolzano Hospital, with a keynote speech on the topic of “What an organization is responsible for in terms of resilience”. The Provincial Councillor for Health, Dr Hubert Messner, and the Provincial Councillor for Social Affairs, Rosmarie Pamer, are supporting the project and the workshop.

Join us for an insightful session where we’ll not only present our project and pandemic resilience training but also dive into focused working groups. Together, we’ll tackle questions, evaluate strengths and weaknesses, and explore how to effectively embed the project outcomes into local training systems for the health and care sectors, ensuring long-term sustainability.

To register, please contact:

Workshop zur Stärkung der Resilienz von Fachkräften und Organisationen im Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen
20. September 2024, 10.00-12.00 Uhr
Eurac Research, Conference Hall

Die Veranstaltung wird von Prof. Dr. Andreas Conca, Primar an der Abteilung für Psychiatrie am Krankenhaus Bozen, mit einem Keynote-Vortrag zum Thema “Was Organisation verantwortet im Sinne der Resilienz“ eröffnet. Der Landesrat für Gesundheit Dr. Hubert Messner und die Landesrätin für Soziales Rosmarie Pamer unterstützen das Projekt und den Workshop.

Anschließend präsentieren wir das Projekt und das Pandemie-Resilienztraining. Gemeinsam werden wir in Gruppen Fragen erörtern, Stärken und Schwächen bewerten und untersuchen, wie die Projektergebnisse nachhaltig in die lokalen Ausbildungssysteme des Gesundheits- und Pflegesektors integriert werden können.

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Workshop sul miglioramento della resilienza dei professionisti e delle organizzazioni sanitarie e sociali
20 settembre 2024, ore 10.00-12.00
Eurac Research, Conference Hall

Il workshop verrà aperto da un intervento del Prof. Dr. Andreas Conca, Direttore del Dipartimento di Psichiatria dell’Ospedale di Bolzano, che rifletterà  sul tema “Le responsabilità di un’organizzazione in termini di resilienza”. L’Assessore provinciale alla Sanità, dott. Hubert Messner, e l’Assessora provinciale agli Affari sociali, Rosmarie Pamer, sostengono il progetto e il workshop.

Oltre a presentare il progetto e i suoi risultati, i gruppi di lavoro risponderanno a domande, discuteranno i punti di forza e di debolezza e si confronteranno su come i risultati del progetto possano essere integrati in modo sostenibile nei sistemi di formazione locali del settore sanitario e assistenziale.
Per l’iscrizione gratuita, si prega di contattare: